Brooks Communications + Community

Contact: Erik Brooks
Cell Phone: (414) 651-1105 Website:


Photo of Brooks Communications + Community


It starts with a plan. It has to.

Have a plan, work the plan. That’s how you’ve grown your community, business or nonprofit, so why wouldn’t you use this approach to shape your internal and external communications? Ask yourself, what are your goals and objectives? What is your desired outcome? Who is your audience? What are your key messages? What are the tactics necessary to deliver those messages to your audience, and meet your objectives? And what are the realities to take into account along the way? Get those on paper upfront. Set clear expectations. Then deliver, and measure your success. That is a strategic communications plan, and that’s what Brooks Communications + Community can deliver with you.

Then the magic happens, as you bring the plan to life. And we will be with you every step of the way … because if you don’t tell your story, someone else will tell it for you, and probably not how you want it told. Let’s tell your story, together.


“Erik, you are a builder.” Someone once told me that, and I laughed. My first thought: You don’t want me anywhere near a construction site. Then I thought about it: I DO love building things, and it’s what motivated me as South Milwaukee’s mayor for more than seven years. We built something special in South Milwaukee. We built community.

Downtown revitalization. New business growth. Historic, multi-million dollar investment by the Bucyrus Foundation in the telling of the story of our legacy manufacturer. New and exciting special events. A statue for Da Crusher. Exciting partnerships to restore the Oak Creek watershed and deliver city services. Strong leadership during the pandemic. We did all of these in South Milwaukee with a community mindset – a belief that we can’t do this alone, nor should we.

It’s a core principle that has guided me my entire professional life.

Let me help you build your community — whether that’s your municipality, business or organization — as your partner, starting with how you communicate.