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Caterpillar Global Mining

Contact: Karen Wierman
Work 1118 E. Rawson Ave. South Milwaukee WI 53172 Work Phone: 414-768-4000 Website: http://caterpillar.com/
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Celebration Center

The Celebration Center Contact: Derek Dube
Work 13780 W. Greenfield Ave., Suite 778 Brookfield WI 53005 Work Phone: 414-881-2540 Website: https://celebrationcenterwi.com/
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City of Cudahy

Contact: Mayor Thomas Pavlic
Work 5050 S Lake Dr Cudahy WI 53110 Work Phone: 414-769-2222 Website: http://www.cudahy-wi.gov/

City of South Milwaukee

Contact: Mayor Jim Shelenske
Work 2424 15th Ave. South Milwaukee WI 53172 Work Phone: 414-762-2222 (City Hall) Website: https://smwi.org/

City of St. Francis

Contact: Mark Johnsrud or Mayor Ken Tutaj
Work 3400 E. Howard Ave. St. Francis WI 53235 USA Work Phone: 414-481-2300 Website: http://www.wi-stfrancis.civicplus.com
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Community Medical Services

Contact: Amanda De Leon
Work 1333 E. College Ave., Suite M1 South Milwaukee WI 53172 USA Work Phone: 414-510-2573 Website: https://communitymedicalservices.org/ Website: https://communitymedicalservices.org/locations/addiction-treatment-south-milwaukee-wisconsin/
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Connect Cell/US Cellular

Contact: Noelle Gilliam
Work 4698 S. Whitnall Ave. St. Francis WI 53235 Work Phone: 414-982-4411 Website: http://connectcell.com
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Country Flower Shop, LLC

Work 3555 E Layton Ave Cudahy WI 53110 Work Phone: 414-744-4970 Website: Country Flower Shop

CSL Plasma

Contact: Amy Gebhardt, RN (Center Manager)
Work 2983 S. Chicago Ave. South Milwaukee WI 53172 Work Phone: 414-751-1223 ext. 1014001 Work Fax: 414-764-4714 Website: https://www.cslplasma.com/center/140
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Cudahy Art Coalition, LLC

Contact: Joan Houlehen and Tonia Klein, Co-Founders
Work P.O. Box 100015 Cudahy WI 53110 Work Phone: 414-481-6265 Website: https://www.cudahyartcoalition.com/

Cudahy Family Library

Contact: Rebecca Roepke
Work 3500 Library Drive Cudahy WI 53110 Work Phone: 769-2244 Website: http://www.cudahyfamilylibrary.org

Cudahy Lions

Contact: Frank Miller
Work PO Box 100031 Cudahy WI 53110 Work Phone: (414) 769-2234

Cudahy Self Storage, LLC

Contact: Sharon Adair
Work 4958 S Whitnall Ave Cudahy WI 53110 Work Phone: (414) 769-2965 Website: http://www.cudahyselfstorage.com

Cudahy Veterinary Clinic

Contact: Donna Shampo
Work 6242 S. Packard Ave. Cudahy WI 53110 Work Phone: (414) 762-5650 Website: Cudahyvet.com